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From pre-planning to foundation stone

Green Hills Energy Icon grüner Strom


Your benefits:

By partnering with the experienced and locally based team of GREEN HILLS ENERGY, as an investor, you will benefit from:

  • Our know-how and experience

  • Our wide network

  • Our language skills: Each member of our team is fluent in Croatian and German (as well as English or German as a second language), eliminating language and cultural barriers

  • Independent consultation and loyal support

  • Ready investment opportunities


Unsere services:

  • Our services encompass the entire project development of wind energy and photovoltaic systems, from the intricate processes involved in identifying suitable locations to obtaining the final construction permits.

  • Technical support from the idea of a solar power plant or wind farm to the start of construction in Croatia and/or Bosnia & Herzegovina.

  • Technical site analysis or location assessment for private and public land.

  • Negotiating special conditions for the local community throughout the project duration.

  • Creation of conceptual solutions, feasibility studies for grid connection, and preparation of documentation for energy permits.

  • Procurement of final permits for the start of construction.


Get to know us!


Netzanschluss Kroatien Förderprogramme Geothermie Windenergie Projekte Solaranlagen Regulierung Investitionsmöglichkeiten erneuerbare Energien
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